With the new year, comes a new zest to get outside and enjoy nature. Unfortunately, after the excitement of the 'First Day' hike fades, the days become cooler and shorter -- and many lose the consistency they set to accomplish on January 1st. With good reason, it's freaking cold out.
We encourage you to embark on the challenge with us and get outside throughout the year with a challenge that will hold you accountable to keeping on the trails and maintaining that mental and physical health.
Recording Your Hikes
So now that we have you all jazzed about getting outside and enjoying mother nature, even in the cold. It's probably not a bad idea to keep tabs on your hikes and how far you've trekked. Recording your hikes will:
Help you stay accountable to yourself
Keep tabs on the distance you've accomplished in 2023 and beyond
And will keep tabs on your progress with SNP52, of course
And it's no mystery that we use GAIA GPS for Navigation on the Trails. And this aligns nicely with the Shenandoah 52 Challenge. For the challenge, it's pretty easy.
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​Record Your Hike: Record and Resume Tracks – Gaia GPS | ​​Share the Hike on Social: Shenandoah 52 Hiking Group | Facebook | ​Maintain That Healthy Feeling of Being Outside: Record and Resume Tracks – Gaia GPS |
You can do this. And we'll be there along the way. Now get outside and enjoy those trails!